By purchasing E-Drive, you have the possibility of having part of your investment financed via a 50% subsidy. FINANCING : 1°/ For private companies,...
For the preservation of the body, we offer our fluids with and without formaldehyde.
Equipment, materials and products for the preservation of the body and hygiene!
The experience of an innovative and successful team.
From its modest beginnings in 1970 in northern France as a manufacturer of refrigerated tables, EIHF Isofroid has grown in Sarcey (30mn from Lyon). EIHF Isofroid has grown to become one of the leading suppliers of Thanatopraxy, Postmortem Equipment and Refrigeration Cells.
Throughout this journey, EIHF Isofroid has constantly evolved its product line to meet the needs of morticians, hospitals and funeral homes.
EIHF Isofroid provides an appropriate response in terms of Service and Training: innovations in services, in “product” solutions, but also in technical training, not to mention a hotline support to give you information on the proper use of products.
Our products according to CE standards
EIHF Isofroid manufactures equipment according to CE standards, which are tailored to the needs of its customers. For this purpose our factory has a modern and flexible machine park.
EIHF is a company that designs, manufactures and markets a complete range of cooling tables and cells. Located in Sarcey in the Rhône since 1992 (30 minutes from Lyon), EIHF has become the specialist in industrial hospital and funeral equipment.
Its years of experience and know-how guarantee its customers reliable, high-performance equipment that sets the standard for all healthcare institutions (clinics, hospitals, retirement homes and funeral homes, etc.) in France and abroad. Today, EIHF markets more than 4000 references in more than 60 countries!
For each of your requests, you will be in contact with a competent person who will be able to help and advise you to provide the best service: estimate, deadline, planning, realization and use.
EIHF – ISOFROID manufactures and markets all equipment, instruments and products
1°/ The activity goes from the care of the deceased to the burial to cover the needs of professionals: Funeral parlours, Hospitals, Thanatopractors, Forensic Medicine Centres, Retirement homes and EHPAD…
2°/ Equipment installations in all morgues, mortuary rooms and health establishments. It offers all the equipment and materials necessary for transporting the deceased (refrigerated boxes), transferring bodies (trolleys and tables), conservation (refrigerated conservation cells), mortuary toilets and thanatopraxy care of the deceased (refrigerated or autopsy tables).
3°/ A wide range of materials and equipment for Funeral Homes and for funeral professionals, necessary for the creation or upgrading of the funeral room, chapel or ceremony items for mortuary rooms as well as all the consumables useful for the care and treatment of the deceased in the daily exercise of the profession.
4°/ Equipment for retirement homes and EHPAD, mortuary and mobile (transfer and concealment trolley for the deceased) as well as consumables for the treatment of the deceased before his transfer to the funeral companies.
5°/ Hygiene products, to prevent the risks of infection and contamination of personnel during their work. It also has a whole range of body bags and cinerary urns.
Z.A. La Noyeraie 69490 Sarcey – France
GPS details: 45°52.677′ – 4°32.632′
Google Maps – Waze
Description of the assembly of a refrigeration cell.

The principles of assembling
of a refrigerated Cabinet

Thanatopraxie :
les soins de conservation

Intervention de Didier Belluard
lors du Congrès de l'UPFP ( Lorient - Septembre 2019)