Pre-filter EU2 for dust for filtration and disinfection box

REF.: 502132

An EU2 dust pre-filter allowing the filtration of air dust before it passes over the activated carbon filter.

Filter to be cleaned every 6 months by blowing it with compressed air or if not possible by scraping it with a brush.

Filter to be changed every 1600 hours.

Be careful to communicate the diameter of the filter outlet to identify the filter reference:

Ø 20cm Ref. 502132
Ø 25cm Ref. 502132/B
Ø 31,5cm Ref. 502132/C

because each box reference has filters of adapted dimensions.

An EU2 dust pre-filter allowing the filtration of air dust before it passes over the activated carbon filter. Filter to be cleaned every 6 months by blowing it with compressed air or if not possible by scraping it with a brush. Filter to be changed every 1600 hours. Be careful to communicate the diameter of the filter outlet to identify the filter reference: Ø 20cm Ref. 502120 – Ø 25cm Ref. 502120/B – Ø 31,5cm Ref. 502120/C, because each box reference has filters of adapted dimensions.


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